Wait! Before you all go
"flippidy do-dah" on me (yeah I made that up!) you have to understand
I have been so very busy, and everytime I plan on sitting at my laptop and
writing a new blog post, something pops up. Currently I should be writing a
Government and Politics essay, but procrastination kicked in, and other than
learning lines for Drama, this was the only thing to do. Also nothing has
happened that's big enough to write a whole blog on. Several things have
happened, but knowing me I'll jinx it if I talk about it so I'll just shut up
about that now. Any major points to cover? No not really. My course is in full
swing at the moment, so coursework has hit hard and heavy. Drama is back on,
full of committee meetings, line learning and a lot of giggling fits.
Overall....a lot of time has gone
by, I can't believe first semester has gone already....
Anywho, must find something to
write about, or I'll just blubber on for a lifetime, and as many of my close
friends know, I can do that. I can talk for England. The only things that seem
to shut me up are food, which still struggles at the best of times, but
"Just Dance 4" seems to do very well at it. I seem to be getting lots
of high scores for showing off my best moves and beating my housemate Katie.....hehehe
Katie, you wanted a mention, didn't see this coming did you? I did mention you
twice so be happy! I digress, back to the point at hand.
I am very bored!
Over at my boyfriend's house I've
been starting to play "Halo 4". Yes you read that right that's not a
mis-print.....I have been playing Halo. I'd like to say that I kick the guy's
butt at it, that I am amazing and complete some pretty awesome kills. I would
love to say that I have led an online team to victory more times than I have
failed.....but I'd be lying. I suck at it big time. Yes I do get the occasional
lucky kill, and that I can play with some reasonable skill, but I don't stand a
chance against anyone that has genuine skill. Much like in a game of bowling or
pool, I only get the lucky shots, no skill involved at all.
One thing that I seem to have
some skill in is coming out with some ridiculous things. Our house, very aptly
named "Dramatics HQ", has created a quote book, containing some of
the outlandish things my housemates and I have said since coming back to
university. Mine appear to be witty, things such as "I am an internet
service provider!" (work that one out for yourselves) while some appear as
just down-right silly, much like my personal favourite quote, said in the
middle of Frankie and Benny's which was "She just fingered your
potato"......elegant as always ladies. Just to clear this up, it's not
rude (dirty minded people you!) but there was a potato skin filled with cheese
and bacon left on our sharing platter, and I offered to eat it. When I realised
it had bacon in I had to turn it down, until my housemate grabbed it and
spooned out the contents with her finger. Ta-da! Your perfectly normal
God I'm so bored.
Only 3 more weeks till I go home.
I am no longer the Essex girl you all once knew, oh no. I am now a Kentish
person. A Folkestone person to be precise. I live in a B&B about 10 minutes
from the sea front, with nothing but a laptop and an iPod for friendship.
Sounds like something out of a book doesn't it? I've already made plans to go
back to the "homeland" aka Essex, but they don't come into force
until the new year of 2013, that is if we can get past this dreaded December 21st that everyone keeps going on about, our supposed day of the end of the world.
If this does happen, only if, then everyone I know back in Essex.....it's been
nice knowing you.
Anyway, hopefully it won't take 2
months for me to write another blog post. If it does and we all get destroyed
on the 21st December, then this could be my last post. If so, thank you all for
reading, been lovely sharing my personal life with you all, and see you all
If not....see you in January!
Live Long and Prosper
H. x
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