Friday, 30 March 2012

Jiving in a Southend car park...

Yeah you read that right. I was jiving in a Southend car park with my mate Peter....
....with my mum watching....
....and several drunk people....

This (as you are probably aware) is not a common occurance in my day-to-day life, firstly because I don't actually live in Southend, but also because I am in fact...painfully shy...(I am honestly)

HOWEVER! (pause for dramatic effect) I have a new lease of confidence, shame it's at 11:00pm when I can't do anything about it, but a new lease of confidence nonetheless! To explain why I was jiving at 10:30pm on a friday night in a car park instead of a nightclub, you must understand how I got there: I attend a dance group called "Ceroc" which specialise in jive dancing. I have been going for a year now, but the last 6 months have been a but on/off due to university. I met my friend Peter, who is now a close buddy of mine. We jived all the time at Ceroc, but because I don't go as often, I never get to dance with him anymore (sad face).

SOOOO now that I'm back in Essex I figured a good ol' fashioned meet up wouldn't go a-miss. So off to (any day but today) sunny Southend I went. To sum up the day: it was epic! We saw "The Hunger Games", I kicked his butt at Just Dance 2 about 3 times (which I heard from my buddies Katie and Sarah that I aparantly am very good at, thank you ladies) and had a general mess about. When it came to take me home, he walked me to my mother's car, where a tune was blaring.... comes the dancing!

After a jive to Cora Emerald, and a lovely appaulse from my mum and several nightclubbers on their way to a good night out, I headed on home. It was lovely to be appaulded on something I considered only to be a laugh. It may sound a bit stupid to say, but I've always considered myself to be quite an average person, nothing particularily special to the world, but seeing random strangers, plus my mum, clap me for something I wasn't even trying at, it made me feel proud that I could something worthy of an appaulse. I mean I do the drama performances, and they really do help with the whole confidence thing, but there is only so long you can feed off that once you've stopped.

So it may sound stupid, and if you see me please do feel free to slap me round the face, but I felt like more than an average person after dancing. Not only because I got some recognition for what I did, but because I did it outside in an open space in front of people, and I didn't crease up in embarassment like I normally do.

I think I may do more stuff like that, just maybe not so close to drunk people. As my character in "Joking Apart" says:

"They get a bit fighty on the vichey water"


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