Saturday, 28 January 2012

Do I look like a fool?......don't answer that.....

Sorry for the delay in blog posts. In all honestly, nothing worth while has happened to write about, and I'm not going to write about boring stuff, where's the fun in that??

However, yesterday was an interesting day. A day that should mean quite a lot considering where it will lead. Me and some friends went house-hunting for the first time. This was an interesting experience, seeming as a so-called "top notch expert in student housing" were probably the weirdest and rudest people I have ever met.

Not only did they consider us silly in the fact that we nearly missed the deadline for 4-bedroom housing (they assumed we knew all the dates that they were selling the houses, because of all the advertisements....there were none) but as soon as we said we had found somewhere that had loads of 4-bedroom places to rent, they proceeded to try and win us back by saying that more places will show up and that we should stay with them when it comes to getting new housing for next year as they are the best. I'm sorry but since when do me and my other friends look like idiots?!?

Later today I've got plans! I'm heading out with some of my Drama society buddies for dinner and lots of pool/snooker. I know it doesn't seem like much, but I've been feeling unusually down recently and I enjoy all company I keep. If my mates are reading this, all of them, I just want to say a massive thank you to you all. I may seem down a lot recently and not my usual self, but I love the fact that you have stuck with me all this time. I applaud you!

I hear you asking "Have we missed much since you last did a blog post?" If you haven't asked that question, well that's just rude. I've started lectures again, and my tuesday lessons are probably designed to make me hate university, but to also test me and my stamina, because I have a 9-5pm day, and! One lesson: "Rights, Rules and Reality" is without a doubt, one of the dullest lessons ever. Me and my mates have come to the conclusion that those lessons are as exciting as my foot!

But in all honestly, that's all you've missed. My life is pretty darn boring at this point...

H. x

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