Saturday, 7 September 2013

Poetry without rhyming....

Tomorrow is my last day...

.......In Folkestone before Christmas, jeez calm down I'm not doing anywhere...except to Stoke!

It feels good to be going back after 3 months and 1 day exactly...I have too much time on my hands...

Heading back this time has a difference. I will be a third year, one of the people the first years look at and think "gosh I'm glad I'm not there yet" or "Time is going to go so slow, I'll be bored by the time I get to where she is"...however, they'll probably think that looking at taller people than me, I look just older than 16...

I will say this now...this has been the quickest three years OF MY LIFE! Never have I known time to travel so quickly, even with the 5 years of my life I dedicated to watching "Merlin" (Still dreaming it will come back)

I do wish that this year will take its time though, I've had too much fun for this to be rushed. Finally this year I can take full advantage of Fresher's week, with free access into the LRV,! 

So much has happened though, that it's really hard to believe that only 2 years ago I was sitting in Wickford thinking to myself "what if" and it was only 1 year and 11 months ago that I was thinking "get me out of here!" I had a back up plan and everything, pay rent on my room at home, work at a local newspaper, earn my way until I could move out and expand. However, thanks to some life-saving chats with my mum, and Sarah for dragging me out of my room for food with more sustenance, I made it to the end of first semester...

...and the second one...and finally to the end of my first year...

What a mad year that was, so much happened, good and the most horrible, but second year was better...much, much better!

And now stepping into the embrace of third year (oh I love how that sounds in my head...embrace) I have to wonder "what if" again. WHAT IF I had gone home....WHAT IF Sarah hadn't got me out of my room....WHAT IF I hadn't joined drama society? (Well the name of this blog would be very different)

But then I think..."SOD IT! You made it through first year, and then second year...bring on third year!"

I have to think of what might happen this year, of what excitements await me (feeling very poetic today) and what will happen at the end...

So I go into this year with a new roommate, a new bag, a new haircut (shoulder length, very classy, tres chic) and a new outlook of what this year should I will never forget!

Live Long and Prosper,
