Saturday, 7 September 2013

Poetry without rhyming....

Tomorrow is my last day...

.......In Folkestone before Christmas, jeez calm down I'm not doing anywhere...except to Stoke!

It feels good to be going back after 3 months and 1 day exactly...I have too much time on my hands...

Heading back this time has a difference. I will be a third year, one of the people the first years look at and think "gosh I'm glad I'm not there yet" or "Time is going to go so slow, I'll be bored by the time I get to where she is"...however, they'll probably think that looking at taller people than me, I look just older than 16...

I will say this now...this has been the quickest three years OF MY LIFE! Never have I known time to travel so quickly, even with the 5 years of my life I dedicated to watching "Merlin" (Still dreaming it will come back)

I do wish that this year will take its time though, I've had too much fun for this to be rushed. Finally this year I can take full advantage of Fresher's week, with free access into the LRV,! 

So much has happened though, that it's really hard to believe that only 2 years ago I was sitting in Wickford thinking to myself "what if" and it was only 1 year and 11 months ago that I was thinking "get me out of here!" I had a back up plan and everything, pay rent on my room at home, work at a local newspaper, earn my way until I could move out and expand. However, thanks to some life-saving chats with my mum, and Sarah for dragging me out of my room for food with more sustenance, I made it to the end of first semester...

...and the second one...and finally to the end of my first year...

What a mad year that was, so much happened, good and the most horrible, but second year was better...much, much better!

And now stepping into the embrace of third year (oh I love how that sounds in my head...embrace) I have to wonder "what if" again. WHAT IF I had gone home....WHAT IF Sarah hadn't got me out of my room....WHAT IF I hadn't joined drama society? (Well the name of this blog would be very different)

But then I think..."SOD IT! You made it through first year, and then second year...bring on third year!"

I have to think of what might happen this year, of what excitements await me (feeling very poetic today) and what will happen at the end...

So I go into this year with a new roommate, a new bag, a new haircut (shoulder length, very classy, tres chic) and a new outlook of what this year should I will never forget!

Live Long and Prosper,


Friday, 9 August 2013

Facebook and Twitter: Get me out of here!

Social media can be a tricky business.

Facebook for example: Make statuses all the time (like myself) and people take the pee out of you for it, make statuses never or not often, you are considered not social enough....much like Goldilocks in her hunt for a comfy bed, it has to be juuussssttt right.

Then there's Twitter, much like Facebook, except you are limited to only 140 characters...even that doesn't stop some people.

I will admit I am on social networks like these a lot! I create a status or a tweet far too often, but the thing is, it doesn't get liked or favourited as much as other people I know, so what is the benefit of it? I'll be honest, it's either a vent, or a chance to share what I'm thinking...that's Facebook's fault, it keeps asking me what I'm thinking or how I feel...

I do know people worse than myself...they will tweet every 20 seconds it seems. Their nonsensical ramblings fill my news-feed on both social networks, and it will go one of two ways:

1) They will be completely ignored. No-one will respond to the tweets, favourite them or even like the status. They will continue to ramble as if whatever they write down is comedy gold or inspirational to the person reading it.


2) 26 people will favourite the tweet, 234 people will retweet it and 10 people will reply, while on Facebook people will flock their "likes" in like it's going out of fashion. I swear I have seen someone write a status on Facebook saying "Got a cup of tea and chilling like my dad #gettingold #gettheslippers" (yeah they have hash tags on Facebook now...good grief) and it will get over 50 likes, and people commenting left, right and centre.

And don't even get me started on "selfies". Unless you are showing something off, or letting me look at the latest tech you just got, you do not need to take a picture of yourself. Just because you've woken up and look like a supermodel does not mean the rest of the world needs to be informed of it. Yes, you look fantastic, but I woke up looking like Medusa, do you want to see a picture of that too?

One thing I do like on Facebook is that I can like a group with some funny pictures. I tend to share them whenever they come up (only the really funny ones) I don't mind them coming up on my wall or news-feed because they make me laugh.

I sound like an incredibly old person ranting like this, but I'm just saying what everyone is thinking.

I realise that by posting this on Facebook and Twitter, I am going back on everything I have just said, but if I didn't post this on there, how else would you read this? Google it?

Live Long and Prosper,


Saturday, 27 July 2013

Up-teen days of summer

So the UK has experienced it's longest heatwave in about 70 odd far I'm aware, the sun can sod off...

I do not fair well with the sun, I turn into the colour of a lobster and burn like a sausage on a BBQ...I had also experienced a heat rash on my arms, something that has never happened until this year, and could quite frankly live without...

The amount of times my body has been close to giving up and collapsing in public places has entered double figures. Times include: washing my Nan's car, many many tube trains in London and queuing for rides at Chessington World of Adventures.

Surprisingly, the queue for the water ride was the shortest queue we were in all day...

That was a great day though, and soon I will edit this post to show you the picture of us all on the water funny...but everything was great, and I got to see all my friends who I haven't seen in a long time. Another thank you to Ellen and Beth for letting me stay over...even if I couldn't spend more than 20 minutes watching Supernatural.....*cough* Team Dean *cough*

Air conditioning has now reached the level of being compared to a god as far as i'm aware...the amount of times it has saved me from looked like a Strawberry on trains is more than I care to mention...

My highlight of this beautiful weather was that it was nice and sunny, but not too hot, when I headed to the Midlands to see Swifty and his family. Their garden is beautiful and catches the sun so that it draws in the light but leaves out the heat (much to the dismay of the Tortoise who wanted to sunbathe)

Travelling in this heat is not fantastic, unless you have access to a massive amount of air conditioning or windows that can open. I only had access to these while heading to the Midlands, with Air Con on full blast in First Class (oh yeah, first class!) and when I was in cars travelling with the window open all the way...that did wonders for my hair...

Overall, this summer has been hot, sticky, sweaty and downright annoyingly hot...but I wouldn't change it at all....

...well maybe the sweaty bit...

But there is even more fun to come! I'm heading to Essex again twice, and then heading to Stoke for another work experience interview...yipee!

Chat when I can, if you don't hear from me, assume I have been roasted outside...

Live Long and Prosper,


Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Cute Overload's got nothing on this...

To the many people that know me, as soon as a small, fuzzy, cute animal walks into no longer exist, only the small, cute animal...

It's actually got to the point now where I can't go to the zoo anymore because I just won't stop going "aww" at sub-sonic levels.

This is not a particularly good trait to have, especially during rather important conversations...however, I vow to prove that I have good reason to go "aww"

Picture 1:


I just want to reach in and cuddle this tiny little that so much to ask??

Picture 2:


How can you not go Awww to that?!?

Picture 3:

If you do not aww at are insane...

Picture 4:

This is Daisy. She is a 12 year old American Cocker Spaniel....and she's all mine!

This is just one classic photo...I have hundreds of them, all as cute as the next...hehehehe

Picture 5:'s little nose...and ears...and's so fluffy!!!

I used to have a hamster that looked exactly like this, she managed to stuff a whole brussell sprout into her mouth in one kind of animal!

This is just a small selection of the cute pictures I have...but they all show one thing:

I "aww" because these animals are adorable, they deserve to be aww-ed with everything we have.

Live Long and Prosper

H. x

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

All on the table now...

Just finished my work experience diary...forgot to do the last little section.

I was writing the conclusion, and I think you may want to read the first paragraph:

"Over the 2 weeks at (Insert Radio Station Here), I had learned what valuable experience I had come across. I had not only been put through my paces as a journalist, but physically, mentally and emotionally as well. 
I know now that to be a journalist, you need to have fighting spirit, and a keen eye for the right story. You need to be tough, but emotionally available to your audience. You need to be informative but friendly at the same time. I have nothing but respect for the 6 people sitting round that octagon every day."

I honestly don't think I've written anything as honest as that in a long time.

It feels good to get that sort of thing off my chest. I know it's not some kind of "tell-all" confession, but I honestly mean it when I say it though, that I nothing but respect for those people round the Octagon. I wish I could be like them...but sadly I can't...

For you see I was not destined to be like them...I think I was meant to go down another path...the path of editing...Sounds odd, but on newsdays, I look forward to nothing more than editing together a TV or radio package. I do prefer the TV editing though, I love the visuals. 

While some people ask questions in an interview and look for that golden nugget of information or that "golden quote" that's so perfect you want to marry it, I look for the "money shots" of people and on-location, then I can't wait to get back to the studio and edit that bad boy together!

My brain is wired for technology. The cameras, the microphones, the white balance...and the completed package at the end, which gets praise from a man who does not compliment easily.

Call me nuts, call me a techo-geek, but I love it! And surely I should go into a career that I love, right?

Another part of my conclusion goes as follows:

"In conclusion, this was a very valuable work experience, if some people think for the wrong reasons, but I think it really helped me make a decision on my choices as a journalist."

I say that last part because it has made me realise that maybe journalism isn't for me. I still think that I could make it, but my heart is in the editing. I love news, but I don't think I'm tough enough for it. As my housemate Katie says, I need to "man-up" and "grow a pair"...maybe I do, but I'm in no rush...editing isn't so "dog-eat-dog" but I love it, and skills mixed with passion make for a very good pairing...

Who knows what I'll be doing in a years time? I got my second year results today (passed, whoop whoop!) and I saw that many third years have gotten them too, and moving on to greener pastures...

So this is final year...time to make it my own!

Live Long and Prosper


If you would like to view any of the packages made on newsdays, please follow the links below:

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Wigan is a word dammit!

***Might I suggest listening to this song on a loop while reading this, makes the post all the more magical...if not, it doesn't take anything away from it, I just think it's a nice tune...***

Long distance is tricky...and no i'm not talking about romantic long distance...well I am, but that's included under the general stuff, I mean long distance is tricky in general...

Wow that was confusing, I hope that made sense...don't worry if it doesn't, it will all become clear.

As you are (very much) aware, I now live in Folkestone...far far away from my friends in Essex and Stoke. Trying to keep up with everything going on is tricky, whether that means being on Facebook a lot more than I usually am (draining my phone battery), checking Twitter or just texting people, which is good to start, but looks a little creepy after a while.

Basically, it's hard to keep up with everything going on in your friendship group without looking like a stalker.

That actually feels good to finally get out there...

I'm a very social person, make that social networking or chatting face to face, but heading home for the summer means that even though I am closer to my mates in Essex, I'm further from the ones in Stoke, and vice versa when I head back to Stoke. I just can't catch a break, as Leonard from "The Big Bang Theory" would say...

Now besides dancing round my room alone looking like a weirdo, and watching 4od until I can't see straight is all well and good, but being home really has made me think about friends. You can't live without them, and whoever tells you otherwise clearly hasn't had a Two for Tuesdays with a friend, (lifesavers right there folks) and being home at the moment, I can truly say that friends are everything.

I think myself quite lucky that I have such a close relationship with both my mum and dad, and I consider them some of the closest friends I have, but I know that after a while, they just want some time away from their little princess (a nickname I gave myself for them to call me, you can tell I came up with that one...) so having other people to talk to is great...

...however Facebook/Twitter/Text can only help so much...

I'm heading down to Essex soon to see some of my friends, then heading to Wigan to see Swifty (Just pointing out now that my laptop doesn't recognise "Wigan" as a word...hehehe) and then possibly stopping in Stoke for a little while. I'd love to say that I love travelling, but I only love it if there's someone at the other end waiting for me eagerly.

Don't you just love that feeling of stepping off a train/bus and seeing that person you've been so looking forward to seeing for such a long time...and realising that they are just as excited as you?

Now I know how it feels to be arriving at that train station or bus station, and having to look around waiting for that one person to step out of the crowd to meet me, and not be there (take that for a metaphor if you want, I didn't intend it to be, but it kind of sounds like one) But I also know that if they could be there, they would be...who'd want to miss out on seeing you...yeah you!

So the next time you go to meet a friend you haven't seen in a long time, heck, even a friend you saw the other day, don't forget to greet them like you haven't seen them in years, believe me, it feels great for everyone!

Live Long and Prosper


Monday, 27 May 2013

Let's not exit through the gift shop...

I'm feeling philosophical...

Maybe it's because I've completely finished for my second year of uni...yeah it's been a while...

But I've been thinking about exits...odd topic but it has some relevance.

I had 2 weeks of work experience, and even though I thought it was a really valuable experience, I found that it was not the career choice I'd like to go in to. So for quite a while, I was looking for a way out, or at least looking forward to the end of the day, week, the entire work experience.

I make it sound like the worst place to work, it wasn't. It was just me, I found what my calling is...I hope.

So it got me thinking, everywhere I looked, there were exits everywhere...and I mean everywhere!!

At the train station, a fire exit...a front door...a hug...anything!

Yes, it's going to be that kind of post, if you don't want to read it, feel free to leave, but if you do carry on reading, no piss-taking. This is all mine, you don't like it, deal with it.

This sounds like me going on about some weird stuff, and I don't blame you in thinking that reading this would just mess with your head. But it has a point...honest! What I mean is, if we feel like we need to escape from something, we can turn anything into an exit.

A classic example, cheesy as usual, but I am stressed...a an easy escape for me is a hug with someone I care a lot about. Whereas a conventional exit would be me, waiting at the station for my train to work experience, and wanting to walk out the same way I came in. However, I am not a quitter, so I sat where I was and waited for my train.

Whatever your situation, whatever your mood, anything can be an exit, an escape, from reality. A good book, a movie, a phone call, an actual door (who'd have thought it?)

But sometimes you need to to ignore those giant exit signs and stay exactly where you are. You have no idea what you may miss if you leave too early. I know that if I had left early, from university, I would have made the biggest mistake of my life. I would have never met the people I know so well today, had experiences I would never have anywhere else....etc etc.

Overall, sometimes having that little secret escape route (or escape rope for my Pokemon fans) is a fantastic resource, and if you have it, never let it go. But only use it if it's the last thing you can do. The amount of times I've taken an exit and missed out on an amazing opportunity, I can't even count it on my fingers anymore, and it's stupid, because it is all my fault, no-one else to blame.

But the times, when I've ignored that little flashing exit sign in my head and stayed where I am have given me some life-changing experiences, advice and more I could have ever hoped for.

Oh, it's just been one of those weeks....

Live Long and Prosper

H. x

and p.s. I'm making good headway on that list from my last post...

Saturday, 4 May 2013

I'm back baby!!'s been a while....sorry....I was doing a blog for my module at university....


And with a happy and optimistic start....not because I've just finished my second year of uni....what? who said that? hehehehe

I recently found myself reading a blog about a women named Louise who is suffering from Cancer. She was recommended by her husband to start blogging her experiences, and that's what she did, and I must say it brought a tear (well many tears) to my eyes.

If you want a read (bring a hankie) then here is Lou's Story

But it got me thinking about life and everything in between. What if (god forbid) I was in her situation? Would my friends and family react the same way as hers did? Would I be the same as her?

But then another thought popped into my head: no-one acts the same in these sorts of situations. However, nearly everyone comes out the same in the end, which is:

I shall start living in the present. I shall do what makes me happy

And to be honest, I couldn't agree more.

Just over a year ago, I lost my Aunt to cancer. It was a truly awful time, especially as such a horrible disease taking someone who was one of the nicest people you will ever meet. My biggest regret was being at university at the time, and not being able to do anything to help. It all happened so fast.

This spurned my family to become closer, and for my mum to fulfill a dream she's had for many many many years: to buy a B'n'B. I couldn't have been prouder of her, for doing what she wanted to do with her life, and for making herself happy.

However, it has dawned on me that I haven't done the same....So below is a list of things I want to do to make me happy, plus some other stuff that I thought I'd throw in:

  • I am fat. Simple as. My BMI tells me I'm over-weight, no point fretting with the facts. But, even though I will try and lose some, I have my whole life to lose it. While I'm at university, I'm going to enjoy myself and my freedom with food...
  • I don't go out as much as I would like. Either I'm ill/not in the mood/have deadlines. There's nothing I can do in those cases, but more times I just need to say f*** it! YOLO (as my mate Alice would say)
  • I'm too emotional. Now I know you're saying "there's nothing wrong with that". However, when you are walking home crying, you know something needs to change. I won't necessarily stop being emotional at all, I'm not an ice queen, but I will start making changes in my life that stop me from getting that emotional in the first place.
  • I'm finally with an amazing guy, and verging on being with him for 6 months....I plan on being with him for a hell of a lot longer, and he does too, which is great!!!
  • I'm going home to see my Mum and Dad soon. I plan on giving them the biggest hug of their lives and never EVER letting go....sorry Mum and Dad....
  • I want to go back to Essex to see all my wonderful friends, who even though know I no longer live pretty much next door, still treat me as such, and I love them even more for it!
  • I want to scream....just really just let it all out....all the anger, all the hate, all the stress....everything....
  • I want to go see Russell Howard live again....I love him! And Coldplay, they are currently playing on my iPod, and I think they are amazing....
Probably more will get added, but these will do for now....

Live Long and Prosper....

And I really mean it!

Monday, 28 January 2013

The Disney Princess "Happy Birthday" song - The true sign of love


Well it seems like a whole year since I've been on here....oh wait it has been!

I'd like to say not a lot has happened since I last wrote, but I'd be wrong. Oh don't try and run off before you carry on reading, that's just rude!

So what has happened? Wellllll:

  • I moved to a B'n''s like something out of a Jacqueline Wilson book I tell you!
  • I have written a grand total of 5137 words for 2 essays I will never had to look at again in my life.....time well spent there.....
  • I met my boyfriend's dad....hid in the bathroom....always brilliant!
  • Proved I am in fact as immature I look....on Christmas day of all days
  • Left the years of teenage-hood behind.....I'm now old
  • Gained 1-2 pounds of an extra 2-3....times infinity.....I may be slightly exaggerating  only a little bit though...
  • Just been handed a small cuddly turtle that is the softest thing since fluffy hamsters.....and I speak from experience on that one....
  • Work experience.....that is all....

Cor I'm so glad I didn't have to read that out, that was a mouthful....

I think the last blog post covered the B'n'B stuff, we need no repeats here, this isn't Dave (international readers may not understand that joke....British people will find that hilarious)

The essays....Politics and Screening Journalism....two extremely pointless subjects but I had no choice.  Took absolutely ages but they are done now, so I can focus on other things, like this blog. Me and my housemate Sarah sat there as I finished my Screening Journalism essay 8 minutes before the clock struck my birthday....she played the Disney Princess "Happy Birthday" song the minute it hit Midnight, I knew there was a reason I loved her.....way more than her boyfriend anyway ;) sorry Ben....

Hiding in the bathroom when meeting my boyfriend's dad.....all I have to say is the meet-up was a lot of awkward silences and that seemed like the only plausible option at the time (I panicked!!) Hopefully next time it will go better, fingers crossed! I seem like an idiot for writing that, but all I can think is that you just have to laugh at yourself and laugh back at the situation, because if you don't you'll just cry....which is what I nearly did when I told my boyfriend what had happened.....

Immaturity on Christmas day is a given, but when you start getting the shakes because you haven't opened any presents in the hour that you've been awake because your family decide to go on a walk, then that it is immature....especially when they ask to open presents after lunch and you shout NO!....Mum gave me the weirdest look after that.....have no idea why.....

Left teenage-hood....I am now 20, oh joy! As my friend's say: "Only half way till your mid-life crisis!".....thanks Georgie. Mum also says that she can no longer get away with saying that she's 30 now that she has 20-year-old twins.....of course you can mum, just make sure me and David aren't around.....

Gaining weight....Oh c'mon that's a given! We've had Christmas, my birthday and my boyfriend keeps cooking for's hard not to put on weight! However I have now been introduced to the delights of "Dance Central 3" so i'm sure that weight will fly off. However, as I said to the guys I play against, they have an unfair advantage. They don't have 2 big un-identified flying objects directly below their heads, that you have no control over whatsoever! Also, the impromptu late night trips to McDonalds with Katie don't help with the diet, but I don't care, I love it, plus we are aiming to try the "50 things to do while going through a McDonalds Drive-Thru" so that should be interesting.

The cuddly turtle....that has literally just happened. One of my housemates is moving out so she's given me the teddy because i'll take care of it.....I've become a teddy sanctuary. It can be added to my collection, along with my little Christmas doggie, giant Yoshi and even bigger teddy pig Rasher..... 

Work experience....absolute nightmare and bane of my life....that's all I can say without swearing....

So, completely up to speed now. Fantastic.....don't feel like I have much to say now.....

Oh! On a very good note, this blog has been up and running for over a year now! WOOOOOO!!

Until next time internuts, when I have something interesting to sprout to you....

Live Long and Prosper

H. x